I have said before that fear of the children not learning usually has me running for the textbooks and workbooks. I also worry about trying to explain unschooling to people steeped in the education system. So yesterday I lied. Someone asked me if I get my curriculum from the UK and I said yes. It's only a little lie and I have got textbooks from the UK that we never use or use occasionaly but the truth is I just don't want the hastle of trying to explain it to people.
Most of our learning is conversational learning inspired by TV series or Films usually. Lexy also does a fair bit of on screen learning on the computer. With Lex there is a lot of input and not much output other than dialogue. She draws a lot and writes occasionaly, I am glad I don't have a HE inspector demanding to be "shown work".
I read the HE blogs of people out in fields and museums all over the UK and think about how much of our Home education is actually done in our home. I worry that we are all too screen dependant, myself and K included. My computer is always on and I love TV and films. K loves computer games. The kids all love screens. Movies as Kiki now calls films are her favourite thing in the world.
The other thing they do- is watch the same movies over and over again. Why is that? I can only assume they are learning something that really interests them. When I talk to Lexy about it she says it is because you notice different things and especially in a long TV series like Alias there is so much in it that when you get to the end you want ot go back and watch again. When we watch a series we do talk about everything in it. For example, Re-genesis. I cannot actually recommend this as the amount of bad language was horrendous - I didn't know Canadians swore so much but the topics Lexy and I discussed were vast and there was so much science in it. When she watches movies she also talks a lot about how they are made and how they are written; about plot development and character development. About the use of music in film. We talk about genre and about putting a new spin on old ideas. We discuss why we don't like something- Firefly- just couldn't get into that series.
We talk about the things I am learning about as well and we all three enjoyed watching Pride and Predjudice together. Lexy watched that about 8 times too. She likes to read the same books over and over too, so I think repitition of familiar material must be important to her learning style. I am so the opposite I am always hungry for new things and new ideas.
Not all days are screen days. Some days we are baking together or like yesterday we went to a talk on Persian carpets and saw some of the most beautiful carpets and learned how they were made. We occasionaly get out in the world and meet real people. We met an interior decorator turned art teacher yesterday and Lexy was thrilled as those are her two dream jobs at the moment.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
I'm such an amatuer when it comes to blogging. I need to learn so much. I'm not linked anywhere. I can't understand how to get badges and such like on my page. Everyone else has such pretty templates, do they make them? I can't even get my pictures how I want them. I am terrified of anything called 'code'. Is it easy to put up a video? What is twitter all about?
Do I have the time to learn all this? Do real bloggers write their posts in an exercise pad before typing them up? (I've only done this once but even so).
Why am I having a crisis about the state of my blog a couple of months ago I didn't even have one?
I was inspired by Caroline as I thought what great memories she is recording for herself writing about the kids education. It seems I'm not that good about talking about the children. Some mummy blogger. I'm not much of an expat blogger either as I don't give any useful or interesting info on living in the UAE. I am thinking of a series of blogs about my desire to become a writer and about writing in general. An author blog by someone who rarely writes on their blog and has a writing career of half a novel, 8 poems and a few staus updates on facebook. Hmmm!
Watch this space... alternatively this flurry of activity ould be just more TMA Avoidance (it's due 1st of April) and all will go quiet again.
Do I have the time to learn all this? Do real bloggers write their posts in an exercise pad before typing them up? (I've only done this once but even so).
Why am I having a crisis about the state of my blog a couple of months ago I didn't even have one?
I was inspired by Caroline as I thought what great memories she is recording for herself writing about the kids education. It seems I'm not that good about talking about the children. Some mummy blogger. I'm not much of an expat blogger either as I don't give any useful or interesting info on living in the UAE. I am thinking of a series of blogs about my desire to become a writer and about writing in general. An author blog by someone who rarely writes on their blog and has a writing career of half a novel, 8 poems and a few staus updates on facebook. Hmmm!
Watch this space... alternatively this flurry of activity ould be just more TMA Avoidance (it's due 1st of April) and all will go quiet again.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
writing workshop- Panic
This is a post for writing workshop on a blog that I discovered recently called Sleep is for the weak. Great name and great blog. Really enjoyed reading the other entries and decded to have a go myself. The prompt is about a time you felt panic take you over.
I remember the feelings of panic, my body remembers. When I think on that day my stomach remembers the nausea, my head remembers feeling disorientated unable to focus as I tried to see beyond the bonnet of the car to the road ahead of me. My chest remembers feeling so tight like all the air had gone out of the car. My legs remember trying to control the shaking enough to bring the car to a stop as my white knuckles gripped the steering wheel. I can hear my voice, repeating over and over, I can't do this, I can't do this..I can't.
Looking back at it today, it's like looking at someone else in that car, salty tears in her eyes soaking into the back of her hands still glued to the steering wheel from the panic. Yet there is my husband putting his arm around her and those are my babies sat good as gold in their car seats in the back of the car. I remember my sense of failure that something so ordinary, something anyone can do, something everyone can do, I can't. I can't drive. I can't get past this fear and panic or at least she can't; that young women pulled over in the bus stop less than half a mile from her house. She can't get past it, it engulfs her, she feels so out of control and yet she needs to be in control. She doesn't know yet that she can do this. She chooses to never feel that way again; not if she can help it. She'll get buses to places or just stay home. Tesco delivers and she can walk for miles with the babes in the buggy. But she will never allow herself to feel that fear, that panic in her body again. She doesn't need to drive.
But you can't control everything. Some things are forces so strong they will knock all the breath from your body and steal the life from you, leave you in fear and trembling knowing you have to face your deepest fears and keep on going. Some things you can't run away from and terror will grip you as you keep walking towards the horror in your path. The only path available and you just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Even this you can come through and come through with new strength and resolve.
I look at that young woman and I wish I could tell her what a great overcomer she will be. How she will get back in the driving seat. How she won't give up when the panic comes or the failures come. One day she'll do more than drive to Sainsbury's, she'll drive on the crazy UAE roads in amongst speeding taxis and 4x4's. I would love to tell her how she will be relish new challenges and be confident in her own strength. At least most days anyway.
I remember the feelings of panic, my body remembers. When I think on that day my stomach remembers the nausea, my head remembers feeling disorientated unable to focus as I tried to see beyond the bonnet of the car to the road ahead of me. My chest remembers feeling so tight like all the air had gone out of the car. My legs remember trying to control the shaking enough to bring the car to a stop as my white knuckles gripped the steering wheel. I can hear my voice, repeating over and over, I can't do this, I can't do this..I can't.
Looking back at it today, it's like looking at someone else in that car, salty tears in her eyes soaking into the back of her hands still glued to the steering wheel from the panic. Yet there is my husband putting his arm around her and those are my babies sat good as gold in their car seats in the back of the car. I remember my sense of failure that something so ordinary, something anyone can do, something everyone can do, I can't. I can't drive. I can't get past this fear and panic or at least she can't; that young women pulled over in the bus stop less than half a mile from her house. She can't get past it, it engulfs her, she feels so out of control and yet she needs to be in control. She doesn't know yet that she can do this. She chooses to never feel that way again; not if she can help it. She'll get buses to places or just stay home. Tesco delivers and she can walk for miles with the babes in the buggy. But she will never allow herself to feel that fear, that panic in her body again. She doesn't need to drive.
But you can't control everything. Some things are forces so strong they will knock all the breath from your body and steal the life from you, leave you in fear and trembling knowing you have to face your deepest fears and keep on going. Some things you can't run away from and terror will grip you as you keep walking towards the horror in your path. The only path available and you just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Even this you can come through and come through with new strength and resolve.
I look at that young woman and I wish I could tell her what a great overcomer she will be. How she will get back in the driving seat. How she won't give up when the panic comes or the failures come. One day she'll do more than drive to Sainsbury's, she'll drive on the crazy UAE roads in amongst speeding taxis and 4x4's. I would love to tell her how she will be relish new challenges and be confident in her own strength. At least most days anyway.
Instant Baking
Thankyou Betty Crocker, thanks to you we all had muffins today and soon we will have brownies. My muffins have never risen quite like yours. Yours were crammed full of choc chips and yet were as light as air. Pillsbury I haven't forgot you and your fabulous poppin' biscuits. How you rescued us from hunger and gave us the excitement of watching a pressurised cardboard tube explode with pre-cut rounds of biscuit-y goodness ready to bake. As well as finally answering the cross-cultural question, -What are biscuits in America if they are not cookies?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I remember the last time I was bored it was about three months ago. I stomped around the room feeling really angry that I had nothing to do. I was bored of malls and coffee shops, so didn't want to go out. I had read all my books and nothing was on TV. I had surfed the internet reading every blog on every subject I am interested in. I had listened to TED talks and read every status on Facebook. I really had nothing to do. It rarely happens and hasn't happened since. I love having my mind flooded with ideas. I hate to stop reading, watching and listening, to feel like I have run out.
On the flip side I hate that feeling of having so much to do you don't know where to start and each thing is butting into your mind reminding you it needs attention when you are trying to concentrate on one thing at at time. I actually feel nauseous thinking about getting all these things done. Getting all these books read and assignments written. Doing two OU 60 point courses at once – pretty intense. Doing that while Home educating two children, driving four children around the city to their various events and trying to keep up with my friends, so they don't think I've become a total swot- well that is seriously intense.
So why am I here writing this not working? Procrastination; the whole reason I started my blog in the first place. Seriously it helps my overloaded brain when I do something totally different.
On the flip side I hate that feeling of having so much to do you don't know where to start and each thing is butting into your mind reminding you it needs attention when you are trying to concentrate on one thing at at time. I actually feel nauseous thinking about getting all these things done. Getting all these books read and assignments written. Doing two OU 60 point courses at once – pretty intense. Doing that while Home educating two children, driving four children around the city to their various events and trying to keep up with my friends, so they don't think I've become a total swot- well that is seriously intense.
So why am I here writing this not working? Procrastination; the whole reason I started my blog in the first place. Seriously it helps my overloaded brain when I do something totally different.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Schools out
for Clo. Yes she is back in the home education camp. I think she has got school out of her system now. All the children are free to go to school to use what it has on offer or to stay home and learn what they need as they need it. TJ and Kiki are still happy and enjoying the experience. I have been readjusting as my time is now much more focussed on Clo and her educational needs.
I originally intended to follow a school type curriculum with her, thinking it would suit her better as she has always seemed to have less natural interests than Lexy who has been autonomously educated or unschooled for sometime. Clo always seemed to need more direct input. However I have decided to go with the unschooling or autonomous method with both. Philosophically this approach suits my beliefs about children and education better. The only thing that gets me diving back to the books is fear. (what if they don't learn everything they need ?)
With Clo I will do lots of suggesting and strewing and try to pay close attention to her interests and encourage them anyway I can. She really seems to love anything music which is bad for a non musician like me but we will learn together. She loves baking and cooking together. She is interested in fashion. She likes to read and quite often has her head in a book. She is continuing with her flute lessons with the same teacher who she really likes. Both girls love basketball and they really enjoy scouting as well.
Although there isn't the range of home educating opportunities there were in England we are all getting an education in living among other cultures we would never have got at home. I do need more resources though. I will have to see what I have in storage in England and have it sent over. Maybe a shopping spree is also in order.
I originally intended to follow a school type curriculum with her, thinking it would suit her better as she has always seemed to have less natural interests than Lexy who has been autonomously educated or unschooled for sometime. Clo always seemed to need more direct input. However I have decided to go with the unschooling or autonomous method with both. Philosophically this approach suits my beliefs about children and education better. The only thing that gets me diving back to the books is fear. (what if they don't learn everything they need ?)
With Clo I will do lots of suggesting and strewing and try to pay close attention to her interests and encourage them anyway I can. She really seems to love anything music which is bad for a non musician like me but we will learn together. She loves baking and cooking together. She is interested in fashion. She likes to read and quite often has her head in a book. She is continuing with her flute lessons with the same teacher who she really likes. Both girls love basketball and they really enjoy scouting as well.
Although there isn't the range of home educating opportunities there were in England we are all getting an education in living among other cultures we would never have got at home. I do need more resources though. I will have to see what I have in storage in England and have it sent over. Maybe a shopping spree is also in order.
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About Me

- Gillian
- I am a mum of 4 living and learning with my kids as we adjust to a new life in a sandy city in the middle east. K is my lets see what crazy thing we can do next husband.