K worked like crazy digging holes in the concrete filled sandy patch that was our garden and by lunchtime it really was a garden with trees and soil. Ok. It doesn't look like much but compared to the bare ground it is the mo

st wonderful thing. The Area behind the table and chairs needs fixing next. I won't tell you about K and his crazy plan for a climbing wall up the side of the house. The breeze block doorway is actually a part of the new property. When we moved in it was a lovely semi detached villa but now we are mid terraced as the owner has added on a couple of small apartments to the other side of us. We still think we might lay claim to the patch of land in front of the other house as it is only accesible from our property. We might put some grass there. All in all it is starting to get a bit more of a home here. The only downside to sitting out in the yard is that the road next to our house is as busy as a motorway and huge cars with big engines screech up and down it all evening. Considering it is a residential back road I do not get why it is quite so busy but there you go.
hey these are my pictures