Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lexy's brownies

Lexy has discovered a new recipe for brownies. Now it's not Nigella's but it's not as expensive as hers uses tons of 70% cocoa finest chocolate. Lexy is using 100% cocoa powder. They are really tasty though. So now when I face the wii fit later it will cheerfully tell me I have gained weight and ask me what I think the reason for this is.
Anyway I praised her excellent efforts and asked her if this meant she would cook tea. She is now in the kitchen making macaroni cheese. She will have a go at cooking most things and seems to enjoy it.
I have not loved cooking as much since we moved here. The oven is a bit rubbish and I often feel too hot for anything more than a sandwich. The kids and K are not as phased by the heat as me. They seem just as happy to cook and eat a roast dinner when it's 45 degrees outside as when it's a cold dark november evening in England. I can usually go a steak or some chicken skewers with rice and am quite happy to eat takeaway whenever it's on offer especially butter chicken and naan bread from the curry house.


  1. Trees look good (and hey - you're blogging!!) - now you just have to keep them alive in that heat!! :D

  2. Hello Caroline. It's a fitful thing this blogging I'll try and keep it up. The trees are doing okay we have set up a sprinkler system. Although today was wild and windy and I was worried they were going to snap. It will look good next year when it's established.



About Me

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I am a mum of 4 living and learning with my kids as we adjust to a new life in a sandy city in the middle east. K is my lets see what crazy thing we can do next husband.